
June: Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

JUNE - The people and the stages 
A grand excuse for drinking, dancing, friends and family


The weather could not rain on the Queens parade - morals where high and I seemed to muster up enough energy after Field Day to pull my Hunter's back on, zip up the Barber and venture out into London to meet my parents to experience the crowd for the River Pageant. My non-drinking day quickly turned as a glass of wine was promptly presented to me by a dear family friend. Understandably, we missed the procession after the weather turned the trip into a pub crawl - however, the atmosphere could not be missed where ever you were in the area. 


My adrenaline pulled me through and back onto the early cider for street party at The Water Poet, Spitalfields and then on over to Rivington Street festival. We stole away from the crowds into Callooh Callay for a private cocktail through the wardrobe:


I was glad to crash on the Tuesday to recover from insomnia with a house picnic and a day of watching the Jubilee Mall procession and Concert. Fresh scones, sausage rolls, cucumber sandwiches, fruit salad....

Thursday to Sunday: 

The week ended with a relaxing short trip home, and drive up to Swansea with my best friend to relax on the beach and enjoy some cocktails at her quirky local coffee/cocktail lounge, Noah's Yard:

Radio 1's Hackney Weekend catchup soon to be up up!

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